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International Microbiology journal
Adjunct secretary and webmaster, 2006 – present 


International Microbiology is the official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology (SEM). It aims to advance and disseminate information in the fields of basic and applied microbiology among scientists around the world. This open access journal publishes research articles and complements (short papers dealing with microbiological subjects of broad interest such as editorials, perspectives, book reviews. A feature that distinguishes it from many other microbiology journals is the broadening of the term 'microbiology' to include eukaryotic microorganisms (protists, yeasts, molds) as well as the publication of articles related to the history and sociology of microbiology. 

Contributions to Science journal

Managing coordinator, 2009 – 2013


Contributions to Science is the international journal of the Biological Sciences Section and the Science and Technology Section of the Institute for Catalan Studies. Contributions to Science is an open access journal that aims to promote the international dissemination of scientific research performed in Catalonia, in any of its branches, both pure and applied. Contributions to Science also publishes research performed in countries with linguistic, cultural and historic links with Catalonia.It also publishes scientific articles of international standing related with all such territories, especially considered as a whole. The journal also covers studies performed in all parts of the world by scientists from such countries.  

Invisible Biodiversity (Biodiversitat Invisible)
Editor, 2011


The book Invisible Biodiversity highlights the enormous variety of organisms that are  often overlooked both by the lay public and by many scientists. Due to their tiny size, the vast majority of them are invisible to the human eye without the aid of a microscope, and we are aware neither of their existence nor of their importance. 


Cuentos de Microbios (Spanish translation of Germ Stories)
Copy-editor, 2011


Cuentos de Microbios is the Spanish translation of Germ Stories: Nobel Laureate Arthur Konberg's rhyming tales of the tiny beaties in the germ parade in a beautifully rendered children's picture book. The book brings the microscopis world to life with richly imaginative narrations and vividly rendered art and colour photographs. The Spanish and Catalan translations of the book were published by Editorial Reverté.



Refractive Index
Co-editor, Current


Refractive Index is the face of Imperial College’s Science Communication Group and offers the opportunity to debate and reflect on aspects of science and society and to showcase innovative pieces of science communication. As information travels from scientists to the public and back again, Refractive Index aims to track its progress and reflect on success and failure alike, by offering a unique space to reflect on science communication in all its forms.


Microorganismes (Catalan translation of Microbe)
Copy-editor, 2008


Microbe, a general microbiology textbook for upper division undergraduate and beginning graduate courses is an exciting introduction to the world of microbes. Written by prominent scientists with practical teaching, textbook writing, and research experience, this new textbook engages students in the learning process with its clear, reader–friendly style and unique perspective of the field. The Catalan translation of the book, Microorganismes, was published by Editorial Reverté.



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